What or who is ALKO Mii?
ALKO Mii is my logo name I created a few months before attending Nottingham Trent. It was thought of through a series of designs, considered for my own purpose. I came up with ALKO Mii because I didn't really like my previous title (Brand87), the meaning was too plan and simple, so I decided to create another, which is now ALKO Mii.
What does ALKO Mii stand for?
Well basically ALKO stands for "All.. Light.. Kontakz.. Owns" the word Kontactz (pronounced contacts) is an actual nickname for myself. Another way of understanding this title altogether is if I say, I am the light source, or I am shining! It's nothing to do with gaining power or seeming powerful, but instead indicates the overwhelming energy, over the belief of me being so creative.
"Mii" just stands for "me" but written differently. 'Mii' makes sense when the whole word is said together:- 'ALKO Mii', because ALKO is a disguise for my middle name 'Brandi' which is known to be a alcholic drink. So you could say 'ALKO' is some kind of abbreviation for the word alcohol, but adapted to mean something from my point of view! 'ALKO' was later extended , when the question was often asked 'what is or who is ALKO? and the answer would always be simple 'it's me!' (Mii) :-) ..make sense!?
How you planning to start your career?
Well at the moment I'm beginning (and have already done) to produce posters, artwork and t-shirt designs, which I'm willing to sell. There are ideas of other areas such as other clothing designs and designing 3D character in the ALKO Mii style, but they will be done later down the line. This is just to deliver my style to the audience, while gaining recognition, so that when I start my animation career, those who have my artwork will be familiar with my productions (although I intend to establish different styles!).
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