The Magic Box...very Funny!
First time I watched this short I actually laughed out loud!..this is serious a tapped child! lol
Song of the Week! wk 4: ..Dedicated!!! R.I.P baby girl!
This song has to be the song of the week! and the song of the month, as it was her birthday this month (16th)...I find this lady amazing, and although I didn't know her, her death had affected me and a lot of other people, and in this video I truly feel DMX's pain.
This song here was Aaliyah's last recording before her death, as you can see she didn't get to make a video for this, but all her close friends and family put together this video as a respected little send off, and has become the most loved song/video. Aaliyah is my idol (still is!), and you'll never be forgotten!!! x
1DAY EXPLICIT - an insight of my hme twn :-/
This trailer is more like a music video, so I thought I'd post the two up!
Everyone back home was asking me had I watched or heard of 1day (apparently it was a recent made film), I was like nope! they suggested that I watch it, so I decided to watch this film, mainly because its based in my home town Birmingham!! yay...I watched it yesterday while at uni doing some work....and I must say it was entertaining, especially the words/phases they use throughtout the film lol (amazingly enough I haven't been home for that long, that their accent seems weird almost!) opinions though, I thought it kind of followed kid/adulthood (just a little!)..and a few influences taken from America (you know the whole bandana, rep your endz thing!) but hey, I recognised a few faces from school, and I think that fiasco (the girl that raps/mc's while chasing that guy!) is really trying to doing her thing :-)...I would also like to say that I didnt think it was this serious in brum, I mean i'm use to seeing the whole drug and music scene, (I once grew up in these areas!) but the fact that you'll have your own good people ready to switch on you, just because of money and the risk of their reputation is weird, (especially if you become a close friend to their family) but I guess this happens everywhere right!
Song of the week...wk3
Being a BIG DnB fan, this tune is amazing. It seems to effects me every time! in a good way that is, especially when the beat drops (1:29) I get on a hype! Hehe...No matter what type of shitty mood I'm in, I'll be more than happy after listening to this song!-FACT!!!... And it's another one of those working tracks, where you put your headphones on and your away with the fairies in the creative world, I'd say it provides me with the energy I need to proceed! - (but I could say that about a majority of DnB tracks though!) lol
...and oh yeah, one more thing, whoever don't like this tune, whether its the original or this DnB remix, are clearly lacking in all aspects :-) lol...pls enjoy, pls enjoy, pls enjoy!..."can you feel it? Rocking the City, oh yeah!!!"... lol (see I'm on a hype all over again!)
Drum and Bass,
Hard fi,
Song of the week,
Song of the Week - (wk2)
The next "Song of Week" is "Musiq soulchild- so beautiful"....I personally love this song. It sounds so meaningful, and I find it great to listen to while working, (on my drawing that is!!lol) it makes me focus more! despite the fact I rewind it at least 7 times, before listening to the whole track!... hope we're still spreading the love people (Don't worry not all will be love songs!). besides these type of songs make you happy :-)...enjoy!
MUSIQ SOULCHILD "So Beautiful" Music Video from Alejandro Lalinde on Vimeo.
9 (2009)...The movie Trailer!
apparently its release date was 9.9.09...(hmmm, not amused here!)
The Piano...animation short
I admit this short is really nice, its very toughing and I think its the music that gives it that emotional feeling. The piano playing, attracts your attention and you instantly focus on the story of the animation. I think the music and the story go together beautifully. ...I love the sound of a piano, wish I had time to play one!
A Slight issue!
Since all the chaos I had with my work being lost, and trying to redo and hand it in on time for deadline, I've had a problem sleeping at a sensible time! I seem to be rolling into bed at 8am or 9.30am in the morning, then I'll wake up again at 1pm , 2pm!.. some days I don't even go to sleep because I don't seem tired!'s been like this all the way through the Christmas holiday, but the fact that I start back at Uni later on today is going to be a problem, as I'm still up at 5:12am unable to sleep. :-/ this sucks!
9 (2005)...The Animated Short!
This is a fascinating short, and I practically like the style its created in.
This short was created by Shane Acker (2005) as a student project, but after Tim Burton had saw and admired it's artistic outlook, it was decided that a feature length would be created.
Though the short is said to be out first, I had watched the film first then the short! from the likes of things though, I would say its just a quick break down of the movie, or vice versa the movie is an extension to the short creating a more understandable story by adding dialogue. If there was one thing to catch my attention I would say it was the storyline, it seemed very engaging and something to consider seriously. But saying that I enjoyed everything about this short and the film.
This short was created by Shane Acker (2005) as a student project, but after Tim Burton had saw and admired it's artistic outlook, it was decided that a feature length would be created.
Though the short is said to be out first, I had watched the film first then the short! from the likes of things though, I would say its just a quick break down of the movie, or vice versa the movie is an extension to the short creating a more understandable story by adding dialogue. If there was one thing to catch my attention I would say it was the storyline, it seemed very engaging and something to consider seriously. But saying that I enjoyed everything about this short and the film.
A Bow wow Drawing
Today I did more drawing again, this time I drew an artist called Bow Wow, not completely finish but nearly done, so here it is:

This didn't take me long to do, this progress so far had taken around an hour or less! but the fact I've been drawing so much this week and don't have a sharpener, all my pencils are blunt, so I couldn't finish this piece :-( ...have to wait until tomorrow! (if I remember to buy one!). P.s quality of pic might be a bit crap, I have lost my camera and I don't have a scanner, so I've taken the picture with my phone!

This didn't take me long to do, this progress so far had taken around an hour or less! but the fact I've been drawing so much this week and don't have a sharpener, all my pencils are blunt, so I couldn't finish this piece :-( ...have to wait until tomorrow! (if I remember to buy one!). P.s quality of pic might be a bit crap, I have lost my camera and I don't have a scanner, so I've taken the picture with my phone!
The Beginning of ALKO Mii...(and the final TYPOGRAPHY version-(not design!!!)

What or who is ALKO Mii?
ALKO Mii is my logo name I created a few months before attending Nottingham Trent. It was thought of through a series of designs, considered for my own purpose. I came up with ALKO Mii because I didn't really like my previous title (Brand87), the meaning was too plan and simple, so I decided to create another, which is now ALKO Mii.
What does ALKO Mii stand for?
Well basically ALKO stands for "All.. Light.. Kontakz.. Owns" the word Kontactz (pronounced contacts) is an actual nickname for myself. Another way of understanding this title altogether is if I say, I am the light source, or I am shining! It's nothing to do with gaining power or seeming powerful, but instead indicates the overwhelming energy, over the belief of me being so creative.
"Mii" just stands for "me" but written differently. 'Mii' makes sense when the whole word is said together:- 'ALKO Mii', because ALKO is a disguise for my middle name 'Brandi' which is known to be a alcholic drink. So you could say 'ALKO' is some kind of abbreviation for the word alcohol, but adapted to mean something from my point of view! 'ALKO' was later extended , when the question was often asked 'what is or who is ALKO? and the answer would always be simple 'it's me!' (Mii) :-) ..make sense!?
How you planning to start your career?
Well at the moment I'm beginning (and have already done) to produce posters, artwork and t-shirt designs, which I'm willing to sell. There are ideas of other areas such as other clothing designs and designing 3D character in the ALKO Mii style, but they will be done later down the line. This is just to deliver my style to the audience, while gaining recognition, so that when I start my animation career, those who have my artwork will be familiar with my productions (although I intend to establish different styles!).
A Note From The Fashion Scene
As some of you maybe aware of, I am well into fashion and the fashion industry, and had successfully completed a fashion course a few years back. while attending, I was often asked why do I want to do fashion, or sometimes asked why am I doing fashion? (like I wasn't capable! although this isn't what they meant by the question). I would simply answer and say I was fed up of seeing myself in simply clothing, and when I had purchase anything more sophisticated in style/ design I use to hate seeing others who had the same as me (I still do now, especially when they don't wear it right, it gets to more angry!) so my ambition was to design my own clothing, mainly for myself and close relatives. I later decided that I would design and produce limit editions, or even prototypes! And the fact that I was going into animation, I decided to design clothing for characters.
So whenever I get any ideas or thoughts on a collection, I have to jot them down. I get a lot of ideas in my head while I'm trying to sleep, and although I don't do fashion anymore I still have to get up and plan the ideas out, because that passion is still there. So my purpose of this post is that, now, although I have moved on from the fashion scene, it's an interest/hobby that I still have knowledge and skill in.
Now I have a great ideal of designs which I'd hate to waste so the idea is to create some of the designs i have in mind. I spoke to a good friend from college, who was also on the same course doing fashion, and asked him if he would like to create a collection with me, as I don't have the full time and focus needed to do this. He happily said yes and we should be getting together around summer time!...he said this is when he will have free time (as he is also at uni, studying fashion), and it seems like the best time for me too, besides I'll have enough time to get everything in order eg. patterns, materials.
...I'll keep you updated on my garment designs and sketches, and other things that seem relevant to this matter.
So whenever I get any ideas or thoughts on a collection, I have to jot them down. I get a lot of ideas in my head while I'm trying to sleep, and although I don't do fashion anymore I still have to get up and plan the ideas out, because that passion is still there. So my purpose of this post is that, now, although I have moved on from the fashion scene, it's an interest/hobby that I still have knowledge and skill in.
Now I have a great ideal of designs which I'd hate to waste so the idea is to create some of the designs i have in mind. I spoke to a good friend from college, who was also on the same course doing fashion, and asked him if he would like to create a collection with me, as I don't have the full time and focus needed to do this. He happily said yes and we should be getting together around summer time!...he said this is when he will have free time (as he is also at uni, studying fashion), and it seems like the best time for me too, besides I'll have enough time to get everything in order eg. patterns, materials.
...I'll keep you updated on my garment designs and sketches, and other things that seem relevant to this matter.
Ren and Stimpy Memories
I can actually remember watching "The Ren and Stimpy Show" as a kid (I would probably say I had been watching since the new episodes were aired on nickelodeon - 1991), saying this, I can't believe my parents actually allowed me to watch these!...the fact that I don't remember full episodes just little clips of different episodes, isn't the point, watching these animated series, now, seem a little too much for kids, I would say!... a young one I was always puzzled about what Ren and Stimpy were as animals, and just thought they were made up creatures (although my mind was saying that Stimpy was a cat, but with out whiskers an a tail this was hard to believe), the fact is Ren is a Chihuahua and Stimpy is indeed a manx cat (well I was half right then, and that explains the non-existent tail!). A lot people didn't find those two amusing (mainly because of the cartoons imagery and cartoon violence), but I did. I found the animation more interesting then anything, the detail they went into when something gross would appear on screen was fascinating, because no other cartoon I watched did that.
so about a year back now, I decided to re-watch some of the episodes, to refresh my mind on some of the storytelling (although as a kid I don't think I paid much attention to the storyline anyway!)...and one that I found really really amusing is called "Sven Hoek" its about a relative of Ren's coming to visit!...this is part2 of the episode!..the funniest part is near the ending when Ren goes off into his psychotic moment (I especially enjoy the demonstration he gives, of what he is going to do to their arm, the expressions here are interesting!)...pls watch it, its hilarious!
Song Of The Week!!!
I have now decided to post up a song every week, to reflect on different aspects related to me and others (and a reason to keep my blog updated, as I always fail to do so!)...and I will also state why the song is 'Song Of The Week!...surely you'll understand why!...
...This week it has to be Baby D - I need your loving!
Have to say it's a classic tune and personally I can't get enough of this song! besides its offically a new year so spread the love everbody! enjoy
leave a comment if necessary! x
...This week it has to be Baby D - I need your loving!
Have to say it's a classic tune and personally I can't get enough of this song! besides its offically a new year so spread the love everbody! enjoy
leave a comment if necessary! x
Number 23
A conspiracy-thriller film, featuring Jim Carrey!...(and automatically you think Jim Carrey!...conspiracy- thriller!...What?!)...
Ever since I have watched this film (around two years ago now), things have been different (well I think of things differently!) kind of crazy I know, but it makes you wonder, what if! and the fact that I was born 23/11/1987...doesn't make things any better!...(because 9-1=8, 8+8+7= yep..23!!!)..and also the three names I mainly use each have 6 letters!!-(Brandi Symone Newell),(making 666!!!...I'm not evil!!!) even sept 11th 2001 adds up to 23 (Work it out yourselves it isn't hard maths!)....can't admit it's not creepy right?! hhmmmm?! lol...
...Besides that (and the bad ratings that this movie gets!) got to say this film (from my POV) is really interesting. In general, a lot is said about the number 23, alot of negative stuff,(negative to some, positive for others) and this film seems to reflect on that slightly... would you say the constant use of the number 23 is a coincidence, mathematical reasoning or paranoia?...
...They say it's a film about obsession and conspiracy and that not enough thought had gone into developing a good movie! well maybe this was to throw viewers off track of belief in such things...hmmm my opinion again (but! doesn't really matter what I say! Why? because my position isn't strong enough!)...but what I would like to state is don't consider it being non sense, in stead admit you were confused!...I would say there's enough style and plot twisting's, intriguing enough to keep you watching!...let me know what you think!
Lambo Heels
Lamborghini Shoes by Tim Cooper. Based on the design of the defunct Gallardo Superleggera, these shoes feature carbon-fiber heels holding up the back....Oh Golly! These shoes are AMAZING!!!!!...but the fact their only a concept is devastating!...alot of people writing statements say they wouldn't see women wearing these shoes!!! well consider me the first!...I wish that these shoes were apart of my life! arrghh!...will my dreams come true?!
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