I'll explain the details later!

(I know! balls out of shape, bt at the mo thats a minor!)
Interactive box:
'I Dance city'
-comic strip/manga/urban style
My bad! ...but hey I gathered!
Today I couldn’t make it to my usual timed seminar, so I missed out (well actually I was there just not in the class…hmmm!!)…I decided to attend the seminar after mine but didn’t make in time, (well I was only 10 mins late) so I stood outside listening (crazy I know! I didn’t want to interrupt the class, plus I felt a bit embarrassed for not informing anyone of my arrival). I read the information posted on the now and had already done the task asked. So because I didn’t get the chance to say my say I thought it was a good idea to post it on my journal.
And I didn’t want to post this really, but I just wanted to inform others (staff mainly) that I was there (kind of) and gathered what was discussed within the seminar.
We were asked to write down any books we had read, relate to the SPP module or even the Multimedia course. I will admit I have not read any books that have been written down or suggested by our tutors, but I have read other books that relate to what we are doing.
I have read:
The books I have read, have given me great advice and information, especially Good Essay Writing (which I found very useful for helping me on my next essay) and the complete animation course book (which states a few important information within the animation sector, such as character development and how to use 3d and 2d programs). I had enjoyed reading these books and do believe that these books will help me develop my skills and help demonstrate my knowledge. I find these books (mainly the animation ones) very inspirational and gives me the energy to research more within this area.
Books I have borrowed but yet to read (I’m trying to read the one week loans first!):
· Scriptwriting, Paul Wells,
· Animation writing and development, Wright,
· Writing for animation, comics and games, Christy Marx, 2007
These books I have borrowed seemed very interesting when I was flicking through them in the library, but because I’m trying to read the one week loaned ones first I have left those a side for a moment. I believe these books will help me in the area of animation, obviously, because their all animation related, but I have borrowed these books to gather information and knowledge about animation but most importantly to develop my skills in every animation sector, to understand all processes within this area.
I had a flick through some other books while in the library, and jotted down a few notes so I could go back and borrow when the time is right. At the moment they don’t seem that important to me, so I have left them for a later date but I still think they will become useful, matter of fact very useful to help develop my skills and knowledge in within my chosen area/pathway. Names of the books I have noted:
Another thing I gather while outside listening to the seminar (lol), I could include any websites and films that I have seen and have used to become relevant for the course, this also included any tutorials used to understand a program we are using. Before I write down what websites/films/tutorials I have used to gain information, may I say a majority of these will relate mostly to animation, again, since this is the sector I’m most interested in. So here I will state the websites found useful to me and might become useful for others too:
My research pt.1-(Going deep) - 02/09
I was doing some research about self-concept and I found this web site that made me day dream for half an hour repeating “that is so me!”. The web site address is www.selfesteem2go.com, but had gone through a link on the Wikipedia site, that lead me to the current page about self-esteem. The site contained a lot of useful information and also provides some great advice, on other areas such self-confidence, stress and mind power.
The site is mainly used to build up those with low self esteem, whilst giving you an understanding of who you are, and how to come over any difficult circumstances, such as self-esteem, positive thinking and advice about building up your confidence. Although this site delivers information on how to be a happier person and persuades you to change the negative you, for me, it made me understand myself a lot better, sim
ply because the way they had explained the information was as if they knew me, but relating to many of their examples it felt like they were describing me personally. It’s not as if I don’t know myself, but some of the information they had given made me realize, why I am the way I am and I now think I can sum up how I really am, inside and out.
So the first area I had read was about self esteem, and this page just gave a brief outline of what the word self esteem meant. Self esteem is basically what we think of ourselves, these things can be positive or negative, either way they contribute to the way we are and create ways to how we react. An example they had given was
“If I see myself as ugly, it could be due being told I was ugly as a child. Since I believe I am ugly, I don’t take care with my appearance - why should I? I dress in a slovenly fashion or forget to comb my hair or brush my teeth. I keep subconsciously making myself more like my negative opinion of who I am.
If I think of myself as stupid, I may go out of my way to not be asked questions. I may keep silent when my opinion is sought, not because I have nothing to offer, but because I believe I have nothing. I prevent myself from growing and learning out a certainty that I will fail!”
I must admit, though it’s not in these same areas but still on the same type of level, I do believe I relate to these in some way. I allow myself to think negative towards myself, or sometimes fade in the background because I don’t think I’m good enough. But I did become angry in some way, not towards others but towards the situation and the feeling I had gained, so I began to change slightly and started to question my thoughts, and that’s the reason why I think I also relate to the second quote! Which states;
“I can change the view of myself, but it takes time and determination - and above all else a recognition that my concept can be mistaken. The trick is to start being aware of the inner voice that speaks to me - and questioning it when it tries to drag me down.
If I notice that I tend to generalize - if a lot of my inner dialogue starts with the words ‘I am so (ugly, useless, clumsy)’ then I need to stop and challenge that concept! I need to ask myself why I think those things, and prove myself wrong.
I need to set myself up to succeed.”
And although I still have a lack of confidence held within me and still think negative at some moments, I think I have change to a better person throughout my strange thinking’s, but still I am in the stages of developing myself and my skills. By the way there is one thing I know about me, that seems positive! And that is I will never give up!...Now enough of being serious already, I’ll get back to work and I’ll leave you guys to it too. (Oh yeah, I just remembered that was apart of the work! lol)
An interesting lecture- Thu 5th Feb
I really enjoyed the lecture we had on Tuesday, though I wasn’t going to go because I was thinking what I had prepared wasn’t going to be good enough to show. Our task was to create and show a presentation created on PowerPoint that included 20 slides lasting a minute, which had to finally sum us up as a creative practitioner. Didn’t quite understand the reason for this task until we had the lecture, but although I wasn’t expecting what we had done within the lecture, I must admit it was enjoyable. It was great to understand where other people’s interests lied and what, we, as creative practitioners shared in common or even differed from.
Watching everyone’s presentation individually, we had to take notes, writing down what we thought about that person and what sector in multimedia do we think they would most want to get into. Based on the information gathered from each individual, most of my thoughts about them were right.
When each person had to comment on themselves, a lot of them didn’t seem bothered what other people had thought and said (well that’s the impression I received), but when it was my turn, I became concerned that people would get the wrong idea. I must admit, when it came to me I already knew what was expected, but learning a lot within this lecture only gave me more ideas of what people, who don’t know me well, really think of me, not in a bad way (though it can be), but in a way that makes me think, who is this person I am portraying. I began to understand myself through self image and understand why others around me don’t understand me in certain situations, while being judged by my image. This hasn’t been the first time being judge by my image, (the whole point of my interactive narrative was to show this example) it just shows me what people around me really think and, where I stand in between that.
This lecture has sure given me some ideas for my avatar, and one thing to bear in mind is to include or exaggerate on areas that seem very common or recognizable to the public, things that people recognize me by/know me for.
Diary of my online avatar - Pt:2
I am beginning to enjoy being on vSide, it is an environment that seems very stylish and seems as though it was created for a specific age group, though I state this, there is a lot of different age groups within this virtual environment. It seems to be more about meeting new people, looking fresh and having fun, but I must say, making money is always the case in virtual worlds and in this case the way money is made, which in vSide is called vBux, is by opening a store and selling new and exclusive gear (clothes People!), well.. I ‘m not completely sure if its just clothes others are making money from, but that’s all I seem to see, garments, garments and more garment stores.
I don’t really speak to a lot of people only the ones that are there to help really. At the moment I’m just trying to use to the program and explore different types of areas.
I definitely prefer this virtual environment compare to Second Life, it’s less complicated, though there is still a lot to absorb. I say I prefer this environment simply because I can experiment and explore quicker here than I can in Second Life, here I can say they have shortcuts (well thats what I see it as!) eg. in Second Life you can create objects and/or even build properties and land, on Vside you are standardly given a property but you can decorate it as you like. I find that vSide is more my style and I can also listen to my type of music, while roaming the streets (but this seems to change when ever I enter a store).
Second time I went into vSide I think they had updated the program from the last time, because I don’t remember them giving me information on how to use to the program.
To get use to the basics they told me to follow a yellow brick road that leads me to different places, such as a boutique and a few clubs. Before I entered any stores I was speaking to a few people. I don’t know what the joke was, but one lady was rolling on the floor in laughter!-(when you put lol, which means laugh out loud or lmao-laughing my ass off, apparently they perform the actions to them)
I entered a boutique and was able to purchase some clothing to define my character a bit more. When you enter the store/s they look normal, you walk around and absorb things around you, but when you want to buy anything you have to click on the icon, that looks like a shopping basket. The next picture below, placed on the right handside is what the boutique looks like after you have click on the icon.
My online avatar pt:1
I decided to have another on the online environment thing, so I registered to Doppelganger’s Vside virtual world, and already I am liking the environment. It seems to be easy to handle and understand, and it doesn’t seem to focus too much on the developing stages of the chosen avatar.
What I like about this virtual world is that you can check out any profiles of people who exist there, although its bound to be fake information, it gives you a description of the character before you want to add them as a friend. It kind of reminds me of MySpace, the way you have a profile, add friends and also add photos and relevant information. The difference is that you walk around being the character you created from the profile.
The character I have developed slightly, does not look like me, but I have dressed her the way I would dress. And hopefully the way I am dressed should create some kind of character towards my personality.
Today I have managed to do a few stuff, like take photos of my avatar to add to profile, receiving Vside points for exploring the environment and I also attended an event. I went to the event and it was a house party basically, but I left soon after because I was not really doing much there. I spent most of my time on Vside wondering round areas trying to find stores that would pull my attention. But so far so good, not great an all , but its virtual world is a better suggestion than Second Life, for anyone new to virtual worlds that is!
....and maybe ill try out Second Life for a Second time, after i've figure out the basics and got used to being in virtual worlds...(an il upload mre pics after!)
My diary of the unborn avatar - (Second Life)
At first I was excited to get a chance to explore a virtual world, mainly to absorb the information of why there is such a big hype about these virtual worlds. I found that second life was too complicated for me, just has my brother said it would be. The first time I had started, instead of me using a random character to begin with, and then decide to develop my own, I began with creating my own character first, and now I have problems looking exceptional.
My character is running around with no clothes on! Which is not good!!...though it was my first time on second life, I had been on it for 3hrs and all I had accomplished was developing my ears, eyes, mouth and nose (and it still didn’t look nothing like me!). I had problems creating the hairstyle I wanted, which was annoying me because I would have some random bald patch trying to hide somewhere (though it’s not funny I have to laugh). Then after all that, I accidently pressed the random button and lost my 3hrs work worth, absolutely (sorry but I have to say this twice) absolutely! Not happy!!!
After finding it annoying to develop my character, I had given up and decided to change to a different virtual world.
Second Life – (BOOO!)
Second life is like a second life, for real! So in depth, it becomes complicated to handle. After trying to work out and understand Second Life, I began to get bored and then gradually gave up. To tell you the true I was getting pissed off of being in the same old situation. I couldn’t develop me character, in the way I wanted to plus I didn’t really explore the environment much. I had spoken to a few people in the course about their character and most of them said they had chosen a random character (something I should have considered!!) I then tried to select a random character just so I could begin exploring second life, but then that wasn’t working right neither, so I limited myself and did not attempt to bother with developing my character. So I’m still walking around naked with a beard on my face! (which I find weird because it’s on female settings!).
So I guess I will have to explore another virtual environment, by doing this maybe I can compare them both and note down the pros and cons about both environments. I think the next one I will try out is Doppelganger, seems to be more stylish anyway!