Right, its been a long time since I've up dated my journal (my apologises people)!...reason being, I had a few issues posting my entries up, I was messing around with the layout trying to make my blog look presentable and it must of (or I must of)messed up the settings, and it became messed up and for a while stopping me from postting anything. I was going to create a new blog but I deciced to try this one out one more time and it decide to work like nothing happened!!! which is good because it saves me the hastle of creating another blog, but it also makes me look stupid! because theres no evidence of any errors, so I still don't know what the problem was =[
I am going to update my journal with some of my work, backtracking a little to inform all of what was alreadly suppose to be posted, but all of this will properly be done in one big post or maybe a few!...
....thought i should mention this but...im feeling very happy!!!..HaHaHa...(maybe its my music im listening to! D&B ppl yh!!)
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